how to start with Scrum

Your Baby Steps with Scrum: How to start with Scrum?


In the realm of agile methodologies, Scrum has gained significant popularity as a framework for effectively managing complex projects.

For newcomers, the initial steps into Scrum can be daunting.

This guide aims to delve into the crucial first phase of Scrum and illuminate the process of building a robust foundation for achieving agile success. Whether you are a project manager, team member, or simply intrigued by Scrum, this guide will provide valuable insights to embark on your Scrum journey with confidence.

Let’s get started!

Stop Being a Failure

Getting Started with Scrum: Where to Begin?

Before I show you how to commence your Scrum learning journey, you have to be perfectly clear with the question: Can Agile be used for non-software products? Click here to see the answer in the short video.

Next, it is essential to follow these key steps:

Understand Agile Principles

To truly grasp the essence of Scrum, it is essential to understand the underlying principles of Agile. Agile is a mindset and set of values that emphasize flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development. By embracing Agile principles, teams can better respond to changing requirements, deliver high-quality products, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.

  1. Agile Manifesto: The Agile Manifesto, created by a group of software development experts, outlines the core values and principles of Agile. It emphasizes individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. Read the Agile Manifesto here.
  2. Agile Values and Principles: Agile values are guiding principles that shape the Agile mindset. They include valuing individuals and interactions, working products, customer collaboration, and responding to change. Agile principles provide a more detailed framework for implementing these values, such as prioritizing customer satisfaction, embracing self-organizing teams, and delivering working software frequently.
  3. Agile Mindset: The Agile mindset is a way of thinking that embraces Agile values and principles. It involves being adaptable, open to change and focused on delivering value to customers. An Agile mindset encourages collaboration, continuous learning, and a willingness to embrace feedback and iterate on solutions. It is not limited to specific roles or processes but permeates throughout the organization. Check this video on mindset shift.

Understand the Scrum Framework

A clear understanding of the Scrum framework is crucial as it provides a common language and structure for effective collaboration, aligns practices with Agile principles, facilitates efficient planning and execution, empowers product ownership, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

By grasping the Scrum framework, teams can communicate and work together more efficiently, respond to change, deliver incremental value, and make informed decisions. This understanding serves as a guiding foundation for successful project delivery and helps teams adapt and improve their practices over time.

    1. Familiarize yourself with the fundamental Scrum principles, roles, and artifacts. Download Scrum Guide here.
    2. Acquaint yourself with Scrum terminology, including Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team. Download the Glossary of Scrum Terms here.
    3. Study Available Resources:
      1. Engage with books and online articles dedicated to Scrum, such as “Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time” by Jeff Sutherland. Check the book review here.
      2. Explore online tutorials, videos, interactive courses, and masterclasses that provide comprehensive Scrum training. The Agile and Scrum Masterclass offers valuable assistance in this regard (Scrum from A to Z).
      3. Explore Scrum Framework Examples and Case Studies: Beyond studying the theory and engaging with the Scrum community, exploring real-world examples and case studies can provide invaluable insights and practical guidance for implementing Scrum.
        Read case studies or success stories of organizations that have implemented Scrum. Explore the impact of Scrum on the FBI. Seek guidance from experienced Agile Coaches or Scrum Masters who have firsthand experience in implementing Scrum. Analyze their experiences, challenges faced, and the benefits they derived from adopting Scrum. Engage in mentorship programs or coaching sessions to gain personalized insights and support.

In addition, the Agile and Scrum Masterclass offers valuable assistance in this regard, featuring a comprehensive section entirely dedicated to guiding you through the process.

Attend Scrum Events and Conferences

Attending Scrum events and conferences holds immense importance for professionals in the field. These gatherings offer a wealth of benefits that contribute to both personal and professional growth.

Firstly, Scrum events provide opportunities to connect and network with like-minded individuals, including experienced Scrum practitioners, industry experts, and thought leaders. This networking allows for the exchange of ideas, insights, and best practices, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

Additionally, Scrum events feature a diverse range of sessions, workshops, and presentations that delve into emerging trends, innovative practices, and case studies. By attending these sessions, participants gain valuable knowledge, expand their understanding of Scrum, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.

Furthermore, Scrum events often offer opportunities for interactive learning, such as simulations, games, and group activities, enabling hands-on experience and practical application of Scrum principles.

Overall, participating in Scrum events and conferences facilitates professional development, networking, knowledge enrichment, and the chance to contribute to the broader Scrum community.

  1. Look for Scrum-focused events, conferences, or webinars where industry experts share their experiences and best practices.
  2. Network with professionals who have successfully implemented Scrum in their organizations.
    By exploring practical examples and learning from the experiences of others, you can gain a deeper understanding of how Scrum can be tailored and applied to various contexts and industries.

Join a Scrum Communities

  1. Actively participate in Scrum communities through forums, social media groups, or local meetups. The Agile and Scrum Masterclass offers valuable private community assistance in this regard.
  2. Engage in discussions, seek answers to your questions, and learn from the experiences shared by other practitioners.

Get Certified

Scrum certification holds significant importance for individuals seeking to excel in the field. By obtaining Scrum certification, professionals validate their understanding of Scrum principles, methodologies, and roles, providing tangible evidence of their expertise. This certification enhances their credibility and recognition within the industry, making them stand out to employers and opening doors to a wider range of career opportunities.

Moreover, certified Scrum practitioners are equipped with the knowledge and best practices needed to lead Scrum teams effectively, resulting in improved project performance and successful outcomes.

Additionally, the pursuit of certification encourages continuous learning and staying abreast of industry advancements, fostering a mindset of growth and development.

Ultimately, Scrum certification serves as a valuable asset, affirming one’s skills, expanding career prospects, and empowering individuals to thrive in the dynamic world of Scrum.

  1. Consider pursuing Scrum certifications, such as Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) or Professional Scrum Master (PSM).
  2. Scrum certifications validate your understanding and proficiency in Scrum, enhancing your credibility and opening doors to new opportunities.
  3. The Agile and Scrum Masterclass offers a valuable and comprehensive section entirely dedicated to guiding you through the certification process.

Now that you know your first steps, let’s take a moment to see how to get your first Scrum Master or Product Owner role.

Learn Scrum in 10 Days

How to Get a Job in One of the Scrum Roles?

If you aspire to work in one of the Scrum roles, such as Scrum Master or Product Owner, I will show you some steps you can take, but first, check this video on how to get your first Scrum Master job without experience…

Develop Soft Skills

Cultivate effective communication, collaboration, and leadership skills:

  1. Demonstrate adaptability, facilitation, and conflict-resolution abilities.
  2. Showcase your ability to empower and motivate teams, as well as your strong organizational and time management skills.
  3. The Agile and Scrum Masterclass offers valuable assistance in developing soft skills.

Gain Practical Experience

Look for opportunities to work on Scrum projects within your current organization or seek internships in companies practicing Scrum.


Volunteer to serve in Scrum-related roles, such as Scrum Master or Product Owner, in non-profit organizations or community initiatives.

Expand Your Knowledge

Continuously deepen your understanding of Scrum principles, methodologies, and best practices.

Stay updated on industry trends, emerging frameworks, and evolving Agile practices. The Agile and Scrum Masterclass offers relevant updates to their students.

Networking and Professional Development

  • Attend Scrum conferences, meetups, and networking events to connect with professionals in the Scrum community.
  • Join relevant professional associations and online communities to expand your network and learn from experienced practitioners.

By focusing on developing the necessary soft skills, gaining practical experience, expanding your knowledge, and actively networking, you can increase your chances of securing a role in the Scrum domain.

Scrum Master

The First Step in Scrum for Scrum Masters and Product Owners

OK, let’s say that you’ve finally started your journey as a Scrum Master or Product Owner. Congratulations on taking the first step towards embracing agile methodologies! Regardless of your specific role, establishing a strong foundation in the Scrum team is paramount for success.

By following these essential steps, you can lay the groundwork for effective collaboration, transparency, and iterative progress. So, let’s dive into the key actions required to build an agile foundation in the Scrum team.

The first step in check this video (Do not dare to start as a Scrum Master without knowing these secrets!).

Next, Scrum involves establishing these key actions:

  1. Defining the Product Vision:
    1. Collaborate with the Product Owner to articulate a clear and compelling vision for the product or project.
    2. Ensure that the product vision aligns with the organization’s goals and customer needs.
  2. Creating the Product Backlog:
    1. Collaboratively work with the Product Owner and stakeholders to identify and prioritize the requirements, features, and user stories.
    2. Utilize techniques such as user story mapping or brainstorming sessions to capture and refine backlog items.
  3. Forming the Scrum Team:
    1. Assemble a cross-functional team equipped with the necessary skills and expertise to deliver product increments.
    2. Foster a supportive and collaborative team culture.
  4. Conducting Sprint Planning:
    1. Plan the initial sprint by selecting backlog items to be worked on and defining the sprint goal.
    2. Decompose the chosen items into actionable tasks and estimate the effort required.
    3. In addition, the Agile and Scrum Masterclass offers valuable assistance in this regard, featuring a comprehensive section entirely dedicated to guiding you through the process. Additionally, it provides an extensive collection of pre-designed templates that encompass all the necessary elements for a successful start.

Also, no matter if you are Scrum Master or Product Owner, you should know how to build your Minimum Viable Product MVP in 6 steps. Click here to see the video.

Transform Your Project Management Approach with Agile and Scrum Masterclass

Initiating Your First Scrum Meeting – How to Ensure Productivity and Efficiency?

Commencing your first Scrum meeting may feel daunting, but by following these steps, you can ensure a productive and efficient session:

Establish Clear Objectives

    1. Define the purpose of the meeting, whether it involves daily stand-ups, sprint planning, or retrospectives.
    2. Establish specific goals and outcomes to guide the discussion.

Invite the Appropriate Participants

    1. Ensure the presence of the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team members.
    2. Verify that all individuals necessary for decision-making and progress are in attendance.

Prepare a Structured Agenda

    1. Create a well-organized agenda outlining the topics to be discussed and the allocated time for each item.
    2. Prioritize agenda items based on their importance and relevance to the sprint or project.
    3. In addition, the Agile and Scrum Masterclass offers valuable assistance in this regard, featuring all the templates for starters.

Facilitate the Meeting

    1. Begin by reviewing the progress made since the last meeting.
    2. Encourage open communication, active listening, and collaboration among team members.
    3. Address any impediments, roadblocks, or challenges the team may be encountering.

Wrap Up and Define Next Steps

    1. Summarize the key discussion points and decisions made during the meeting.
    2. Clearly define the action items, responsible individuals, and deadlines for completion.
Embracing Agile for Success in Business

How difficult is it to learn Scrum?

The learning curve for Scrum can vary in difficulty based on your background and experience. While it may appear intricate initially, with proper guidance and practice, it becomes more accessible over time.

Apart from recognizing the numerous benefits attributed to Scrum, my fascination with the framework was sparked by its remarkable efficiency in conveying its principles and practices through the concise 14-page Scrum Guide. The fact that such a comprehensive and reliable source of truth exists, condensing the essence of Scrum, motivated me to delve deeper into its methodologies and embrace the transformative potential it offers to project management and team collaboration.

Consider the following factors:

Mindset Shift

  1. Embrace the agile mindset, emphasizing adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement.
  2. Unlearn traditional project management approaches and be receptive to a more iterative and incremental way of working.

Learning Resources

  1. Take advantage of the wide array of learning resources available, including books, courses, and online communities.
  2. Engage in hands-on activities such as simulations or participating in Scrum projects to reinforce your understanding.

Practical Application

  1. Apply Scrum principles and practices to real-world projects to gain practical experience.
  2. Seek feedback from experienced Scrum practitioners and reflect upon your learnings.
Image representing the essence of true leadership, inspiring vision, empowering teams, and achieving success


In conclusion, understanding Scrum roles, such as the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Development Team, is crucial for successful Scrum implementation. Each role has specific responsibilities and expectations that contribute to the collaborative nature of Scrum.

Emphasizing collaboration and communication is vital in Scrum. Recognizing the importance of teamwork, effective communication strategies, and utilizing appropriate tools and techniques for collaboration will enhance project success.

Applying Scrum in real projects comes with its challenges, but by acknowledging these challenges, adapting Scrum to fit your organization’s needs, and scaling it for larger projects, you can achieve agile success.

Continuous improvement is a fundamental aspect of Scrum. Utilizing the Sprint Retrospective, embracing the Kaizen philosophy of continuous improvement, and implementing feedback loops enable teams to refine their processes and deliver better outcomes.

Overcoming common Scrum pitfalls, such as addressing resistance to change, handling scope creep and prioritization, and managing unrealistic expectations, is essential for project success.

To further your Scrum journey, there are numerous resources and learning opportunities available. Recommended books and articles, online courses and training programs, and Scrum tools and software can provide valuable insights and support your growth.

If you are truly serious about a career in Scrum, consider seeking a comprehensive solution that covers all aspects of Agile and Scrum. An Agile and Scrum Masterclass can provide a one-stop solution for your success, offering in-depth knowledge, practical skills, and guidance on your path to becoming a proficient Scrum practitioner.

Remember, embracing Scrum goes beyond theory; it requires continuous learning, hands-on experience, and a commitment to the values and principles of Agile. With dedication and the right resources, you can embark on a rewarding and fulfilling journey in the world of Scrum.

The first step to start with Scrum is to educate yourself and your team about the Scrum framework. Understand the roles, events, artifacts, and values of Scrum and how they contribute to Agile project management.

Forming a Scrum team involves identifying individuals with the necessary skills and expertise required for the project. The team should consist of a Scrum Master, a Product Owner, and Development Team members who can collectively work towards achieving the project goals.

To initiate your first Scrum meeting, ensure you establish clear objectives, invite the appropriate participants, prepare a structured agenda, facilitate the meeting effectively, and conclude by defining the next steps. This meeting sets the foundation for effective collaboration and communication within the Scrum team.

Learning Scrum is not inherently difficult, but it does require a shift in mindset and a willingness to embrace Agile principles. It involves understanding the key concepts, roles, and processes, as well as gaining practical experience through implementation. With the right resources and dedication, anyone can learn and apply Scrum successfully.

Gaining practical experience in Scrum involves actively participating in Scrum projects or initiatives. This could be done by joining an existing Scrum team, contributing to open-source projects, or volunteering for Scrum-related activities. Additionally, seeking mentorship or guidance from experienced Scrum practitioners can provide valuable insights and hands-on learning opportunities.

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